Payroll is an task that it is important to get right. Paying staff late or incorrectly is probably the best way to annoy and demotivate them. It is also equally important to make sure that the tax deducted is correct and that submissions and payments to HMRC are accurate and on time.
We can provide a full Payroll service for your business whether there is a sole director or hundreds of employees. We already provide payroll services to several businesses in Bideford and Barnstaple.
Our Payroll service includes:
- Monthly Payslips for all directors and employees
- Notification of how much to pay to HM Revenue & Customs and when to pay it (we automatically enroll small employers on the quarterly payment scheme)
- P45s for leavers
- P60s for all employees at the end of the tax year
- P11Ds for all employees at the end of the tax year
- Submission of Real Time Information returns to HM Revenue & Customs.
We also offer any client who carries out their own payroll a PAYE Healthcheck.